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Text Messaging Terms of Service

Consent for SMS Communication

While providing care, our Agency may need to contact you. By providing your consent to receive SMS communications, you acknowledge and agree to receive text messages from Middle Alabama Area Agency on Aging.  Any data or contact information received from SMS messages will not be shared.

  1. Program description: M4A text messages are intended to provide you with information about your appointment or communication with your case manager.
  2. Message Frequency – You will receive messages from your case manager on as needed basis.
  3. Opt-In Method – You may Opt-In to receive text messages by signing the appropriate authorization paperwork from your case manager.
  4. Opt-Out Method – You can cancel your SMS service by calling your case manager or the M4A office at (205)670-5770.
  5. HELP – If you need assistance, you may call (205) 670-5770 from 8:00 AM to 4:30PM.
  6. Cost – Messaging and Data rates may apply for any messages sent to you from M4A. Please consult with your data plan provider with questions.
  7. Privacy: If you have questions regarding privacy, please read our privacy policy: