Chili for a Cause
First Responders Bring the Heat!
Come support our local first responders as they compete in their First Chili Cookoff to raise funds for the critical needs of older and disabled adults in our community!
Jalapeno Pepper Sponsor – $3,000
Chili Cook-Off for a Cause Sponsorship Packages Includes all of the incentives offered in the lower packages Exclusive signage in prominent location at event- 8’x3’ banner to your specifications Includes all of the incentives offered in the lower packages TO REGISTER FOR A SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITY, PLEASE VISIT OUR WWW.4ALLFOUNDATION.ORG WEBSITE OR CLICK THE LINK BELOW. Dear Community Partner: The 4ALL Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based at the Elder Justice Center of Alabama in Montevallo under the Middle Alabama Area Agency on Aging (M4A), is excited to host our First Annual Chili Cook-Off for a Cause on Saturday, November 8, 2025, at Orr Park in Montevallo from 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM. This fundraising community event will bring together local first responders who will compete by cooking their best chili recipes. Attendees will enjoy tastings, live entertainment, vendors, inflatables, face painting, food, and a silent auction—all while supporting a great cause. All proceeds from the event will benefit our Critical Needs Fund, which provides essential support to help older and disabled adults remain safely in their homes. This fund assists with emergency needs such as utilities, food, medication, hygiene products, and simple home modifications. We would love for you to join us as a Vendor/Exhibitor at this event! Your participation offers a unique opportunity to showcase your organization, connect with the community, and highlight the services or products you offer. Vendor Details: We sincerely hope you’ll be part of this special event. If you have any questions or need further details, please contact Robyn James at 205-490-8448 or rjames@m4a.org. Sincerely, Carolyn Fortner Executive Director, M4A and 4ALL Foundation cfortner@m4a.org Dear Community Partner: The 4ALL Foundation, a local 501 c 3 nonprofit organization located at the Elder Justice Center of Alabama in Montevallo, is organizing a community fundraiser. We have partnered with several of our local first responder agencies across Shelby County to host our First Annual Chili Cook Off For A Cause event to be held on Saturday, November 8, 2025, at Orr Park in Montevallo from 11:00 am – 4:00 pm. This event will offer: All proceeds raised from this event will go to support The Center for Critical Needs, which assists with basic life needs such as emergency food, shelter, medication, medical supplies and utility assistance. This is our mission “To help people live better lives”. I am writing this letter to invite you to become a Sponsor for this event. As a leader in the community, your involvement with us is an opportunity for your organization/company to sponsor the event and raise awareness of how you serve local communities. We have four sponsor levels available as outlined in the information attached with this letter. For more information about this event, please contact Robyn James, at 205-490-8448 or rjames@m4a.org. On behalf of the 4ALL Foundation and M4A, we thank you for your support. Sincerely, Carolyn Fortner Executive Director, M4A and 4ALL Foundation cfortner@m4a.org 205-670-5770
Jalapeno Pepper Sponsor – $3,000
Fire Hose Pepper Sponsor – $2,000
Back the Blue Pepper Sponsor – $1,000
Spicy Peppers Sponsor – $500
Chili Cook Off Vendor
Chili Cook Off Sponsor