Our Mission
M4A’s mission is to help all individuals access information, assistance, and resources that will empower them to self-advocate, live independently, and enjoy the highest quality of life. M4A specializes in serving older adults and individuals with disabilities.
Our History
An Area Agency on Aging (AAA) is an agency designated by a state to address the needs and concerns of older persons at the regional and local levels. Middle Alabama Area Agency on Aging was formed in 1989 to serve older Alabamians in Blount, Chilton, Shelby, St. Clair and Walker counties. As one of over 600+ Area Agencies on Aging in the United States, M4A coordinates and offers services that help older adults remain in their homes and to choose the services and living arrangements that suit them best. Since 1989, M4A’s mission and the mission of Area Agencies on Aging has changed to serve caregivers and people living disabilities, too.
Letter from Executive Director
Welcome to the M4A website where we hope you will find information to help answer your questions about long-term care planning, public benefits, private benefits, and resources for caregivers, the elderly, and people living with disabilities.
Middle Alabama Area Agency on Aging, also known as M4A, specializes in resources, services, and information for older individuals, people who are disabled (regardless of age), and their caregivers. As an Aging and Disability Resource Center, M4A also specializes in assisting consumers who have questions about SNAP, housing, transportation, home safety and home repair, dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease, Medicare (Part D, Advantage Plans, Supplements), Medicaid, Social Security Disability, and much more. As a “no wrong door” for information and referral for all consumers, M4A wants to be the first place you turn to when you don’t know where to start looking for answers.
I hope you enjoy our website. Please call us today to learn more about how we can help you get connected with answers, information, and help.
Carolyn Fortner,
Executive Director